
Showing posts from 2013

AZEROUG I Hands-On Lab - Installation Oracle Database 11g on Oracle Linux 6.4

Azerbaijan Oracle User Group I Hands-On Lab / 21.12.2013 - Azercell Plaza, Baku, Azerbaijan Installation Oracle Database 11g on Oracle Linux 6.4 (Video) About Hands-On lab in Azerbaijani language : Oracle 11gR2 Hands-On praktiki qurulumu Regards Mahir M. Quluzade

Oracle Day in Baku State University Took Place

Me with Ismail, Ramin and Samir "Oracle Day in Baku State University" took place on 4th December 2013 at Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty. There are 3 sector in Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty so students study in English, Russian and Azerbaijani language. Therefore, organizer is divided meeting into 2 parts. First part was in Russian language, second part in Azerbaijani language. Important note : each speaker in this meeting has graduated Baku State University, Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty. Meeting started with Ramin Samedov's speech. Ramin is OCP DBA. His topic was "Oracle Database: How to became Oracle DBA". He talked about oracle architecture in Russian language and answered student' questions. Second speaker of for Russian sector was Ismail Aliyev, who is student of this faculty and OCA PL/SQL Developer. He talked about SQL and PL/SQL in Russian language. Ismail showed very good examples. My session...

Oracle Day in Baku State University - 4th December 2013

Are you a student of Baku State University ? Do you want to know about Oracle Database ? Do you want to listen presentations from the professionals ? If the answers are YES then you have a big chance. The event is free to attend, but just for Baku State University students. The information support partner is InfoCity . Agenda is follow: Speaker Subject Alikper Aliyev,  Professor, Doctor of Technical Science Opening Oracle Day. Suggestions to students in the Oracle way. Ramin Samadov, PashaBank, Head of Systems Support. Oracle OCP Oracle Database: how to become DBA (ru) Ismail Aliyev, PL\SQL Developer OCA Oracle SQL & PL\SQL Fundamentals (ru) Mahir M. Quluzade, Central Bank DBA, OCP/OCE Oracle Database Overview (az) Samir Samadov, Oracle Certified Master, PhD of Technical Science Oracle SQL & PL\SQL Fundamentals. Oracle DB is not Black Box (az) The place:  Baku, Azerbaijan Wh...

Kitab incələmə: SQL asan yanaşma yolu (Genişləndirilmiş versiya)

(blog post in Azerbaijani) Təqdimat mərasimi Azərbaycan dilində informasiya texnologiyaları movzusunda yazılmış kitab çox azdır. Bu tip kitabların az olmasının ən böyük səbəbi İT sahəsinə aid rəsmi terminaloji tərcümənin olmamasıdır. Buna baxmayaraq son illərdə bir neçə texniki nəşrlə tanış olmaq imkanım olmuşdur. Bu kitablardan biri Samir Səmədov (OCM11g, ) və Ramin Səmədov (OCP11g) qarşlarının müəllifliyi ilə çap olunmuş “SQL asan yanaşma yolu” kitabıdır. Bu günlərdə bu kitabın yeni bir versiyası, “SQL Genişləndirilmiş versiya” kitabının İnfoCity və Ali və Nino mağazalar şəbəkəsininin dəstəyi ilə təqdimat mərasimi təşkil olunmuşdu və mən də bu tədbirə dəvət olunmuşdum. Samir və Raminə dəvətə görə xüsusi təşəkkür edirəm. Tədbir həqiqətən gözəl təşkil olunmuşdu. SQL Asan yanaşma yolu - Genişləndirilmiş versiya: Bu kitabın birinci versiyası ilə də tanış olmaq imkanım olmuşdu. Kitabın ikinci versiyası mənə də hədiyyə olunduğundan, oxumaq imkanım da oldu....

Book Review: Expert Oracle RAC 12c

As you know, the Oracle Database with the Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) option allows running multiple database instances on different servers in the cluster against a shared set of data files, also known as the database. The database spans multiple hardware systems and yet appears as a single unified database to the application. This enables the utilization of commodity hardware to reduce total cost of ownership and to provide a scalable computing environment that supports various application workloads. Oracle RAC is Oracle’s premier shared disk database clustering technology. I finished review of the book about Oracle RAC technology - "Expert Oracle RAC 12c" by authors Syed Jaffar Hussain (Oracle ACED, DBA of the Year for 2011), Tariq Farooq (Oracle ACED), Riyaj Shamsudeen (Oracle ACED, Member of OakTable Network) and Kai Yu (Oracle ACED, Technologist of the Year for 2012)  published by APRESS.  The book "Expert Oracle RAC 12c" is covered e...

IEEE Day 2013 - Best 10 New Feature of Oracle Database 12c

Yesterday, I attended Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers   IEEE  Day 2013 Baku, Azerbaijan conference at Qafqaz University. IEEE Day 2013 is important anniversary that engineers worldwide celebrate the first time when IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. It is fourth celebration worldwide and first in Azerbaijan take placed at the Qafqaz University in Baku. While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year the theme of IEEE Day have been "Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow". These are full-day hands-on technical seminars on a wide range of Technology topics for IT Professionals and Students to help them become Technologically Updated. All speakers are high level certified IT and technical professionals with rich experience of applying their knowledge in corporations and businesses. Speakers Technical Sessions: Database Administration & Development...

OTN Article : Oracle Data Guard 12c: “Synchronous redo transport”

OTN (Oracle Technology Network) Portuguese published our article : Oracle Data Guard 12c: “Synchronous redo transport” by authors Joel Perez (Oracle ACED), Rodrigo Mufalini (Oracle ACE) and Mahir M. Quluzade (OCE) You can read article from : In English Language:  Oracle Data Guard 12c: “Synchronous redo transport” (in English Language) In Portuguese Language:   Oracle Data Guard 12c: “Synchronous redo transport” (in Portuguese Language) My special thank to my friends Joel and Rodrigo for support. Regards Mahir M. Quluzade

Book Review : Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 Administration Beginner's Guide

Just finished review of book "Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 Administration Beginner's Guide” by authors, my dear friends Emre Baransel and Nassyam Basha. "Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 Administration Beginner's Guide” book is a good introduction to Oracle Data Guard 11g R2 with examples that will be useful to all DBA’s. It is also is a very good book in terms of helping beginner- readers from creating and configuring Oracle Data Guard (11g R2) configurations. By reading this book one will learn what standby databases, protection modes, transport and apply services including role transitions. The book also covered Active Data Guard and dedicated chapter for patching and Common Data Guard issues. This book is an ideal book for somebody who wants begin to learn quickly about Data Guard. The book covered Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 with 11 chapters, 385 pages. Every chapter has a pop quiz, time for action and has a lot of tips and tricks. Really, I liked this style of this b...

Converting an Administrator-Managed Database to a Policy-Managed Database and vise versa.

Hi,  Cluster database configuration can be Policy-Managed or Administrator-Managed. A Policy-Managed database is dynamic with instances managed automatically based on server pools for effective resource utilization. Admin-Managed database results in instances tied to specific servers.  When we create 11g Release 2 RAC database, on database configuration assistant’s 3 of 13 step we must choose Configuration type : Admin-Managed or Polisy-Managed. As you know, we can convert configuration type of Oracle RAC Database after installation.In this post I want share steps of conversion of Admin-Managed database to Policy managed (Case #1) and Policy-Managed to Admin-Managed (Case #2). In my case my test RAC Database (racdb) is created Adminstrator-Managed. Case #1 : Convert Administrator-Managed Database to Policy-Managed Database Checking configuration of racdb database. [oracle@oel62-rac1 /]$ srvctl config database -d racdb Database unique name: racdb Database n...

Which device is mapped Oracle ASM disk?

Hi, Yesterday Yuva Kishore is commented on my Oracleasm - Instantiating disk : failed post and asked a question: We can list the asm disks (listdisks) but where can we find the mapping that ASMDISK1 is mapped to /dev/sda1 and so on?  I want answer this question with this post. If you  are using ASMLib for configure ASM Disks, then you can use following steps for define which device mapped which ASM Disk. As you  know, oracleasm listdisks is return only ASM disk names [grid@oel62-rac1 ~]$ oracleasm listdisks ASMDISK01 ASMDISK02 ASMDISK03 ASMDISK04 ASMDISK05 [grid@oel62-rac1 ~]$ If you want find which ASM disk is mapped which device, then you must use oracleasm querydisk with ASM disk name . [grid@oel62-rac1 ~]$ oracleasm querydisk -d ASMDISK01 Disk "ASMDISK01"  Is a valid ASM disk On device[8,17] As see you, ASMDISK01 is valid ASM disk on device [8,17]. What is means? It means ASMDISK01 is mapped to device [8,17]. How to find [8,17] device? ...

Oracle Data Guard 11g - Redo Transport User

Hi, As you know when we create Data Guard Configuration, we must copy password file. Because SYS user is default redo transport user on Data Guard configurations. SYS password is changed on primary When we change SYS password on primary database, redo transport service is stopping and we are getting error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges. When redo transport failed for this reason we can recreate standby password file with copy from primary side. Same time we can change redo transport user, by setting REDO_TRANSPORT_USER with SYSOPER privileged user. I demonstrated in two case, when SYS password changing on primary database. Password files. Traditionally we are coping password file from primary with operating system command (cp, copy). After Oracle Database 11g version RMAN can duplicate password file with DUPLICATE command, so when we using RMAN DUPLICATE command with FOR STANDBY FROM ACTIVE DATABASE option, we can use PASSWORD FILE option for copy primary database pas...

Cluvfy error : Framework setup check failed on all the nodes

Hi As you know Oracle recommends before installation Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 run Cluster Verification utility with stage previous and post installation cluster ware or database. Cluster verification utility help you for getting error before and after installation Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Real Application Clusters Database. I getting following error : [grid@oel62-rac1 grid]$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -n oel62-rac1,oel62-rac2 –verbose ….. Checking user equivalence... Check: User equivalence for user "grid"   Node Name                             Status                    ------------------------------------  ------------------------   oel62-rac2     ...