Are you a student of Baku State University ? Do you want to know about Oracle Database ? Do you want to listen presentations from the professionals ? If the answers are YES then you have a big chance. The event is free to attend, but just for Baku State University students. The information support partner is InfoCity . Agenda is follow: Speaker Subject Alikper Aliyev, Professor, Doctor of Technical Science Opening Oracle Day. Suggestions to students in the Oracle way. Ramin Samadov, PashaBank, Head of Systems Support. Oracle OCP Oracle Database: how to become DBA (ru) Ismail Aliyev, PL\SQL Developer OCA Oracle SQL & PL\SQL Fundamentals (ru) Mahir M. Quluzade, Central Bank DBA, OCP/OCE Oracle Database Overview (az) Samir Samadov, Oracle Certified Master, PhD of Technical Science Oracle SQL & PL\SQL Fundamentals. Oracle DB is not Black Box (az) The place: Baku, Azerbaijan Wh...