Oracle Day in Baku State University - 4th December 2013

Are you a student of Baku State University ?
Do you want to know about Oracle Database ?
Do you want to listen presentations from the professionals ?

If the answers are YES then you have a big chance.

The event is free to attend, but just for Baku State University students.
The information support partner is InfoCity.

Agenda is follow:

Alikper Aliyev, Professor,
Doctor of Technical Science

Opening Oracle Day. Suggestions to students in the Oracle way.

Ramin Samadov,
PashaBank, Head of Systems Support. Oracle OCP
Oracle Database: how to become DBA (ru)
Ismail Aliyev,
PL\SQL Developer OCA
Oracle SQL & PL\SQL Fundamentals (ru)
Mahir M. Quluzade,
Central Bank DBA,
Oracle Database Overview (az)
Samir Samadov,
Oracle Certified Master,
PhD of Technical Science

Oracle SQL & PL\SQL Fundamentals. Oracle DB is not Black Box (az)

The place:  Baku, Azerbaijan
When:        Wednesday 4th December 2013
Time:         10:00 – 13:35
Where:      Azerbaijani-Korean Information Center at Baku State University (3-rd floor),
                 Academic Zahid Khalilov street, 23.

This will be the perfect opportunity for you to meet some professional specialists in their area and have a chat with them.

If you have additional questions please write to

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mahir M. Quluzade


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