
Showing posts from December, 2011

Oracle Database Administration - How to working with controlfiles?


Installing Oracle Database 11g on ASM (Standalone Server)

You can download : Oracle Database 11 g  Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows (x64)  Oracle Database 11 g  Release 2 Grid Infrastructure ( for Microsoft Windows (x64)  

How to install Windows Server 2008 R2 on Oracle VirtualBox?

I showed with this video,  how  to installing Oracle VirtualBox, and how to create virtual machine on VirtualBox. I installed Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 operating  system  on virtual machine.  VirtualBox  is very useful for testing all Oracle products. Usually I  using Oracle VirtualBox for testing Oracle Data Guard, Oracle RAC and other technologies.  Best  regards Mahir M. Quluzade. 

Transporting schema without DUMP file

As know always we transport schema data to same database with other schema name or  other database. We using EXPDP/IMPDP  Data Pump utilities for transport schema. There have DUMPFILE option for generate data pump file in EXPDP and  when we import data from dump file, then using this option in IMPDP.   But we can transport schema without dump file. With this video  I showed how to can transport schema without DUMP file.  Regards  Mahir M. Quluzade

Overview Row movement with Partitioned table


Oracle Administration - How to find which row in which datafile?


How to change username with Oracle Data Pump

p.s. text in video is in Azerbaijan language .