About me

I'm Mahir Meherrem Quluzade, from Azerbaijan. Currently working the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan as Oracle DBA. I am married and have a lovely daughter and a son.


I'm an Oracle ACE. I have more than 10 years of experience on the Oracle Products. I am working as Oracle DBA and Developer. I'm Board Member of Azerbaijan Oracle User Group - AZEROUG, also member and speaker of Turkish Oracle User Group - TROUG. I'm co-author of some Oracle Technology Network (OTN) technical articles, also an author of OTech Magazine. I'm active writer on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Discussion Forums with Guru status.

Honors & Awards

Oracle ACE 
August 2015 Oracle ACE Pofile

  • Oracle Certified Expert Oracle Database 12c Data Guard Administrator
  • Oracle Certified Professional Oracle Database 12c Administrator
  • Oracle Certified Expert Real Application Clusters 11g and Grid Infrastructure Adminstrator
  • Oracle Certified Professional Oracle Database 11g Administrator
  • Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Database 11g Administrator 
  • Oracle Certified Expert Database SQL
  • Database Architecture
  • Real Application Clusters
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Performance Tuning
  • Data Guard
  • Virtualization

Oracle Technology Network - OTN Latina


 Oracle Database 12c: "Colección automática de estadísticas para cargas masivas"


 Oracle Database 11g: "Client Failover" en "Standby Databases" (Spanish )
 Oracle Database 11g: "Client Failover" em "Standby Databases" (Portuguese)

 Oracle Database 12c: Database In-Memory (Part I / Spanish)
 Oracle Database 12c: Database In-Memory (Part II / Spanish)

 Oracle Database 12c: Database In-Memory (Part I / Portuguese)
 Oracle Database 12c: Database In-Memory (Part II / Portuguese)

 Oracle Database 12c: Active Duplication con RMAN + 10 casos practicos (In Spanish Language)

 Oracle Database 12c: Duplicate em modo ativo com RMAN (in Portuguese Language)

 Oracle Database 12c – Resolução de Redo Gap (Part II)
 Oracle Database 12c – Resolução de Redo Gap (Part I)
 Oracle Database 12c: “Nuevas Características para Desarrolladores” ( Parte III)
 Oracle Database 12c: “Nuevas Características para Desarrolladores” ( Parte II)
 Oracle Database 12c: “Nuevas Características para Desarrolladores” ( Parte I )
 Oracle Database 12c: Que sucede en un CDB cuando uno de los PDB obtiene un problema?
 Oracle Database 12c, O que acontece em um CDB quando um PDB tem ser recuperado
 Oracle Database 12c: Nuevas Características de “Oracle Partitioning”
 Oracle Database 12c: Transporte de “Tablespaces” de “” a “12.1” ( Parte III )
 Oracle Database 12c: “Upgrade” a “Oracle Database 12c” ( Part III )
 Oracle Database 12c: Transport Database "Cross Platform" (Part II)
 Oracle Database 12c: Transport Database "Cross Platform" (Part I)


 Oracle Data Guard 12c : “Synchronous redo transport”


Oracle Database 12c - Automatic Gather Statistics for Bulk Loads
#Winter 2015 Issue: http://otechmag.com/magazine/2015/winter/mahir-m.-quluzade.html

Oracle Database In-Memory (Part III)

Oracle Database In-Memory (Part II)
#8 Issue - Summer 2015: http://www.otechmag.com/2015/otech-magazine-summer-2015/
or http://otechmag.com/magazine/2015/summer/mahir-m.-quluzade.html


Oracle Database 12c: Cross-Platform Transport Non-CDB To PDB Using RMAN Backup sets

Oracle Multitenant - Create PDB using Standbys Clause (

GPO Portal


  • Oracle In-Memory with Multitenant - TROUG Days Istanbul 2016  28-29 April (Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Oracle In-Memory - AZEROUG Meeting 2016 - 27.02.2016 (Baku, Azerbaijan)

  • Oracle Multitenant - TROUG Ankara Day 2014 - 23.12.2014 (Ankara, Turkey)
  • Who is Oracle DBA? orginization of Orient ITM - 12.12.2014 (Azerbaijan Oil Academy/ Baku, Azerbaijan) 
  • Oracle New Architecture- Multitenant orginization of Orient ITM - 12.07.2014 (AFMall Business Center/Baku, Azerbaijan)

  • Overview Oracle RDBSM Oracle Day in Baku State University - 04.12.2013 (BSU/ Baku, Azerbaijan)
  • Best 10 New Feature of Oracle Database 12c IEEE Day 2013 - 01.10.2013 (Qafqaz University/ Baku, Azerbaijan)

  • Oracle ASM : Frequently asked 5 question AZEROUG - Last meeting of the year 2012 - 01.12.2012 (Qafqaz University/Baku, Azerbaijan)  
  • Heterogeneous Data Guard Configurations TROUG DAY 2012 - 11.10.2012 (Bahcesehir University/Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Different Operating systems in same Data Guard Configurations AZEROUG II Meeting - 28.07.2012 (Qafqaz University/Baku, Azerbaijan)

Oracle User Groups

Board Member of
Member and Speaker

Social Network Profiles


My profile on Oracle Technology Network Discussion Forums


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