Oracle Data Guard 11g – Using DBMS_DG
Oracle Database 11g Release 1 onward new package - DBMS_DG. Package contains a procedure INITIATE_FS_FAILOVER, yet. This procedure for using to specify a condition string that, when encountered by an application, allows the application to request the primary database to immediately invoke a fast-start failover. Syntax DBMS_DG.INITIATE_FS_FAILOVER (condstr IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BINARY_INTEGER; condstr - parameter Specifies the condition string for which a fast-start failover should be requested. If no condition string argument is supplied, the default string of "Application Failover Requested" will be logged in the broker log file and in the database alert log of the primary database. There are conditions detectable by applications running outside of the Oracle database that may warrant the Oracle Data Guard broker to perform a fast-start failover. Because the range of possible conditions is virtually unlimited, it is left to the applications to determine...