My Photos

TROUG Days  2016 Istanbul - Aprel 28-29th , 2016
Istanbul Technical University

My session about In-Memory and Multitenant

Photos With  my friends during TROUG Days 

Me with Syed Jaffar and Uwe Hesse

With my best friend Kamran Agayev

Me with  Talip and Kamran

Me with Emrah Mete

Gurcan Orhan, Kamran Agayev, Syed Jaffar and Me

Speakers Dinner

Me with Ferhat Sengonul and Kamran

Me with  Syed Jaffar and Veysi Gunay

Me with Ozgur Umut Vurgun

AZEROUG First Meeting of the year 2016 - 27.02.2016

TROUG Ankara Day 2014 - Oracle Multitenant - 23.12.2014
Ankara / Turkey

Me with Orhan, Gurcan and Gokhan 

Oracle Multitenant - organized by Orient ITM
AF Business House/ Baku, Azerbaijan
Read more: Oracle Multitenant - 12 Jul at Orient ITM

Oracle Day in Baku State University
Baku State University/Baku, Azerbaijan
Read more: Oracle Day in Baku State University Took Place

IEEE Day 2013 - 01.10.2013
Qafqaz University/ Baku, Azerbaijan
Read More: IEEE Day 2013 - Best 10 New Feature of Oracle Database 12c

AZEROUG - Last meeting of the year 2012 - 01.12.2012
Qafqaz University / Baku, Azerbaijan
Read More: Last meeting of the year 2012 - AZEROUG

TROUG DAY2012 - 11.10.2012 
Bahcesehir University / Istanbul, Turkey
Read more : The biggest event of the year in Turkey : TROUG DAY2012

Azerbaijan Oracle User Group II Meeting - 28.07.2012 
Qafqaz University / Baku, Azerbaijan
Read More: July 28 - AZEROUG II Meeting

Central Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic / 
IT Department -24.07.2012


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