The biggest event of the year in Turkey : TROUG DAY2012

TROUG DAY2012 was started with  Keynote: High Availability 11g New Features  by  Syed Jaffar Hussain (OCM, Oracle ACE Director, DBA of the year 2011). His presentation is created very professional and he spoke new features Oracle Real Application Clusters and Syed shared with us his valuable experiences.

Syed Jaffar Hussain
Syed Jaffar Hussain
After keynote of Syed, TROUG DAY'12 was continued with two streams, DBA and Develeper Stream. I attended to  DBA Stream. 

DBA Streem was continued with Husnu Sensoy's (Oracle ACE Director, DBA of the year 2009) session, his presentation was very interesting for me, he talk about System Design for Million TPS and shared very valuable information.

Husnu Sensoy
After Husnu, sessions continued with  Gokhan Atil's (Oracle ACE)  session. His presentation was very interactive with questions, he was talk about EM 12c Database as a Service.

Gokhan Atil
Orhan Biyiklioglu was spoke about Oracle Cluster Internals. His session was very interesting for me and he was spoke very well about Evictions in Oracle RAC.

Orhan Biyiklioglu
Before my session Talip Hakan Ozturk (Oracle ACE) was spoke about Real Application Testing. He was showed very interesting video demos in presentation.

Talip Hakan Ozturk
Last session of TROUG DAY2012 DBA Stream, I spoke about Oracle Data Guard Heteregenous Data Guard Configurations (in Turkish). I showed video demo, oracle data guard configuration with Linux and Windows.

My session at TROUG DAY 2012

My session at TROUG DAY 2012

I'm very glad there was an opportunity to meet and talk with my friend during the TROUG DAY12. I  want share with you  my other photo with Oracle ACE and ACEDs.

Me with Oracle ACE Director, OCM, DBA of the year 2011
Syed Jaffar Hussain

Me with Oracle ACE Emre Baransel

Me with Oracle ACE Gunes Erol.

Me with Oracle ACE Director, DBA of the year 2009
Husnu Sensoy

Me with Oracle ACE Talip Hakan Ozturk

Me with Talip and Husnu
TROUG DAY12 was very biggest Oracle event of this year. My  special thanks to organizators and managers of TROUG.

Thanks TROUG!
Mahir M. Quluzade


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