Oracle RAC Traning

I completed, "Oracle 11g: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Administration Accelerated Release 2" course at "Metod Oracle Academy" in Istanbul / Turkey with Oracle Instructor, Oracle Certified Master - Cem Zorba. 

Me with Oracle Instructor,
OCM Cem Zorba

Cem Zorba is very experienced oracle expert and very nice speaker. I got enjoy to talk about Oracle with OCM Cem Zorba. He gave very  additional information from Oracle RAC duration of course.

Ugurata, Ergun, Cem Bakir attended to this course, too. I'm glad to met they. 
See you in Azerbaijan, friends! 

Me with Cem Zorba, Ugurata and Ergun 

Me with Cem Bakir

Me with OCM Cem Zorba

Certificate of Completion

My special thanks to Cem Zorba, thanks Metod Oracle Academy. 

Mahir M. Quluzade


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