Oracle Database 12.2 New Features (Part I) - Application Express

As you know, Oracle Open World 2016 conferences continue at San Francisco (September 18-22, 2016).

At keynote Session, Larry Ellison (CTO of Oracle Corporation) annoucemented the Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service on new database version 12.2. Here is released cloud documentation

There have very interesting little guide for new features of Oracle Database 12c Release 2.
Why littel , because it is not all features of Oracle Database 12c Release 2, have more interesting features will come with new version, I know. (I attended #OOW15) :)

I want share something about released new feature of Oracle Database 12.2.

Application Development

Oracle Application Express is (first name is HTMLDB 2.0, I used it at 2005 year) very interesting tool for developers. This tool for helping to create applications very rapidly.

Oracle Application Express 5.0.4 is latest version, released on July 12, 2016 and Application Express 5.1 Early Adopter 2 now available.

Oracle JET integrated with Oracle Appplication Express 5.1.

We can install Oracle Application Express 5.0 to another versions of Oracle Database. Application Express 5.0.2 come with Oracle Database 12.2 default. (4.2 version is default in

SQL> select comp_name, version, schema, status from dba_registry;

COMP_NAME                               VERSION       SCHEMA     STATUS
Oracle Database Catalog Views     SYS         VALID
Oracle Database Packages and Types    SYS         VALID
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine      SYS         VALID
Oracle XDK                        SYS         VALID
Oracle Database Java Packages     SYS         VALID
OLAP Analytic Workspace           SYS         VALID
Oracle Real Application Clusters    SYS         OPTION OFF
Oracle XML Database               XDB         VALID
Oracle Workspace Manager          WMSYS       VALID
Oracle Text                       CTXSYS      VALID
Oracle Multimedia                 ORDSYS      VALID
Spatial                           MDSYS       VALID
Oracle OLAP API                   OLAPSYS     VALID
Oracle Database Vault             DVSYS       VALID
Oracle Label Security             LBACSYS     VALID
Oracle Application Express       APEX_050000 VALID

16 rows selected.

Oracle using Application Express in Oracle cloud also. So, you can use schema as service in Oracle Cloud, Oracle give this service with Oracle Application Express.

If you want start cloud development, start from learn Oracle Application Express 5.0.

Best Regards
Mahir M. Quluzade


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