Oracle Database 12c: Statistics created as the data was loaded
As you know, Oracle Magazine July/Aug 2015 issue released. You can free subscribe to Oracle Magazine digital edition and you can read here or you can read technical articles here.
I subscribed Oracle Magazine, in current issue have very interesting articles.
One of interesting article of Oracle Expert Tomas Kyte (as known AskTom) with title: On Learning from Mistakes
Tom wrote:
The fact that the NOW column of the query against USER_TABLES is the same as the LAST_ANALYZED column shows that statistics were created as the data was loaded—this is a new feature of Oracle Database 12c. Since Oracle Database 10g, the database has been computing statistics automatically for indexes when you create or rebuild them. With Oracle Database 12c, the database does the same for tables. Further, as you can see in the example in Listing 1, there are basic statistics on the columns in the table as well.
I want share my test environments outputs with you:
Not any table or index created. I will try create a table with index and check last analyzed column in user_tables and user_indexes tables.
Load a table
Gathering table statistics automatically as the table data was loaded in Oracle Database 12c.
Mahir M. Quluzade
I subscribed Oracle Magazine, in current issue have very interesting articles.
One of interesting article of Oracle Expert Tomas Kyte (as known AskTom) with title: On Learning from Mistakes
In this article Tom talks about Cost Based Optimizer and shown how optimizer learning from mistakes. I don't want review this article, but there have about interesting new feature of Oracle Database 12c.
Tom wrote:
The fact that the NOW column of the query against USER_TABLES is the same as the LAST_ANALYZED column shows that statistics were created as the data was loaded—this is a new feature of Oracle Database 12c. Since Oracle Database 10g, the database has been computing statistics automatically for indexes when you create or rebuild them. With Oracle Database 12c, the database does the same for tables. Further, as you can see in the example in Listing 1, there are basic statistics on the columns in the table as well.
I want share my test environments outputs with you:
[oracle@oel62-ora12c2 Desktop]$ export ORACLE_SID=prmcdb [oracle@oel62-ora12c2 Desktop]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Aug 4 17:32:00 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics, Real Application Testing and Unified Auditing options SQL> select banner from v$version; BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select name,cdb from v$database; NAME CDB --------- --- PRMCDB YES SQL> select name, open_mode from v$pdbs 2 ; NAME OPEN_MODE ------------------------------ ---------- PDB$SEED READ ONLY PRMPDB01 MOUNTED PRMPDB02 READ WRITE PRMPDB03 READ WRITE SQL> conn mahir/mahir@prmpdb02 Connected. SQL> select table_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed from user_tables; no rows selected SQL> select index_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed from user_indexes; no rows selected
Not any table or index created. I will try create a table with index and check last analyzed column in user_tables and user_indexes tables.
SQL> create table t (n number, v varchar2(100)); Table created. SQL> insert into t select level, 'Num :'||level from dual connect by level<1e6; 999999 rows created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select table_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed, num_rows from user_tables; TABLE_NAME LAST_ANALYZED NUM_ROWS ------------------------ ------------------- ---------- T SQL> select index_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed from user_indexes; no rows selected SQL> alter table t add primary key (n); Table altered. SQL> select index_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed from user_indexes; INDEX_NAME LAST_ANALYZED ------------------------ ------------------- SYS_C009994 04.08.2015 17:45:27 SQL> insert into t select n + 1e6, 'Num:'||to_char(n+1e6) from t; 999999 rows created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> alter index SYS_C009994 rebuild; Index altered. SQL> select index_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed from user_indexes; INDEX_NAME LAST_ANALYZED ----------------------- ------------------- SYS_C009994 04.08.2015 17:50:10
Load a table
SQL> select table_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed, num_rows from user_tables; TABLE_NAME LAST_ANALYZED NUM_ROWS ------------------------ ------------------- ---------- T SQL> create table T1 as select * from t; Table created. SQL> select table_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed, num_rows from user_tables; TABLE_NAME LAST_ANALYZED NUM_ROWS ------------------------ ------------------- ---------- T T1 04.08.2015 17:52:11 1999998 SQL> create index idx_t1n on t1(n); Index created. SQL> select index_name, to_char(last_analyzed,' hh24:mi:ss') as last_analyzed from user_indexes; INDEX_NAME LAST_ANALYZED ------------------------ ------------------- SYS_C009994 04.08.2015 17:50:10 IDX_T1N 04.08.2015 17:54:37
Gathering table statistics automatically as the table data was loaded in Oracle Database 12c.
Mahir M. Quluzade
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