Last meeting of the year 2012 - AZEROUG

At 01.12.2012 I attended AZEROUG (Azerbaijan Oracle User Group) - Last meeting of the year 2012 at Qafqaz University. 

This meeting is started with  speech of  Kamran Agayev, Oracle ACE Director ( Kamran spoke about AZEROUG meetings of this year and thanked all  users.

Kamran Agayev  

Technical part of this meeting is started with  Ulfet Tanriverdiyev's ( session. Ulfet's topic is Oracle Streems : general concepts and hand-on demo. He talked about streems very good , oracle replication technology and end of the session  he showed very  interesting video demo. 

Ulfet Tanriverdiyev

We planed  two  technical  session for this meeting. Last session of this meeting was my session. I talked about Oracle ASM technology with topic Oracle ASM : Most asked 5 question.  I showed video demo, Migration database to ASM with RMAN.

Mahir M. Quluzade
My special  thanks to rector of Qafqaz University and thanks all  users of Azerbaijan Oracle User Group.

Members of Azerbaijan Oracle User Group

See you next meetings next year ! 


My presentation :  Oracle ASM : Most asked 5 question
(in Azerbaijani  - Oracle ASM : Ən çox soruşulan 5 sual)


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